Saturday, November 10, 2007

Would Someone Please Explain

Would someone please explain to me the interest in the following:

1. Paris Hilton
2. Lindsey Lohan
3. Nicole Ritchie
4. Hannah Montana

and the list could go on and on and on.

We are really becoming a very shallow society.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or Anna Nicole Smith. . .

This article was in the Dallas Morning News today:

"Paris Hilton may have the power to reduce pain in mice. She might not be curing world hunger, but hey, it's a start. Neuroscientists at McGill University in Montreal claim that a Simple Life cardboard cutout of the celebutante has proven to reduce pain in male mice.

Exposure to Paris' likeness actually lowered the expression of a gene that transmits pain signals to the brain. This suggests that there is reduced neural activity in the mice, not unlike the reduced activity in the brain of Ms. Hilton herself."

So maybe they all have the ability to reduce neural activity. That would account for the rampant stupidity running amok these days.