Monday, February 11, 2008

The EWWW Factor

There is a man that I know that gives me the ewww’s. He just really creeps me out. He has been giving me the creeps me out for 14 years, but now that Raymond is gone it really bothers me.

This man likes to stroke my hair, my arms, and my back. No touches have been to an inappropriate place, but it is still creepy.

This is not a person I can get out of my life. I can avoid him as much as possible, but there are times when I must be in contact with him. I usually try to keep items in between us, like car doors, tables, other people, but sometimes he just appears behind me and starts in with the stroking.

Over the weekend he snuck up on me startling me. Once again he started in on my hair. My oldest was there and he said that he thought it was “creepy.” I found that interesting since I have never discussed this issue with him or his brother.

When Raymond was alive he found this man’s attention to be funny at first, but later it started getting on his nerves. When he would see the man coming he would warn me so I could go hide out. Now that Raymond is gone, I never let this man in my house when I am home alone.

This man is married, has children older than I am, and probably has no idea just how much his “attention” bothers me. He really seems to think I would want his attention.

I just had to get the ewww onto paper because I still have shivers over this last incident. I really have no idea how to handle the situation. I cannot afford to have this man angry at me as it would make many social situations very uncomfortable.

Maybe the next time I will tell him I have lice.

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