Thursday, February 7, 2008

Random Brain Questions and Facts of the Day

Wouldn’t it be horrible if you dropped your keys into one of those motion sensored toilets and it flushed? (I actually almost flipped my keys into a public toilet today, so maybe not such a random thought.)

You really do get what you pay for. Bought a new comb/pick combo today, put one back for one $1.00 cheaper, wasn’t until I got home that I noticed the metal pick ends didn’t have any little protector globs on the end (notice technical term). I didn’t notice the lack of the globs until I took off a chunk of scalp. OUCH!

Can a grown man learn to not be a complete dunderhead?

Why is it that the doctor’s offices do not have the National Enquirer and other such tabloids in their magazine racks? I would rather read those than a golf or ESPN magazine.

Why can’t chocolate be a calorie free food?


Anonymous said...

Doctors receive negative ratings from me as part of their overall score for a lack of diversity in their waiting room magazines. Heavy on the hunting, sports, auto racing with no balance of news, general interest or home/garden mags is a low score. The inclusion of tabloids might put them into my questionable category, although it would be more interesting to me than the guns, football, and car stuff.

Cheryl said...

I don't know. If I am in the doctor's office worried about a test result, I think I would enjoy reading about an alien baby being born to a lesser know t.v. star.

I get plenty of "normal" magazines at home. I need something different to keep my mind off the fact that I have been sitting in the waiting room for two hours.

BTW: Did you know that the reason we are left waiting for so long has nothing to do with the doctor's schedule but is all an evil plan by the drug companies? Yes, they have made deals with the doctors to keep patients in the waiting room long enough to make them angry so that blood pressures will be up and the doctor can prescribe blood pressure medicine. Same with anxiety medications. When the doctor asks if we feel anxious we have to answer "yes" because we are anxious about how we are going to complete everything else on our schedule for the day because we only scheduled an hour for our doctor's appointment, not three. Conspiracy theory...maybe not.