Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nice Sick Day

I am still feeling lousy with this bronchitis, and the meds make me all jittery and make everything taste like chalk, but my BFF made it a good day any way.

She came over mid morning and drove me to work so that I could make sure the a/c was set correctly and straighten out the children's library. Then she took me where I could get some nice warm soup for lunch.

We came back to the house and watched movies together, looked at quilt books, and she sorted through fabric while I offered my opinion. She made sure I took my meds, and that I gagged down some liquids. It was a very nice relaxing sick day, and it was nice to have some company.

Of course her running from the skunk when she left made me laugh so hard I coughed for about an hour after she left. I had no idea she could run that fast. Oh, dear, there I go again with the laughing/coughing thing. I wish I had a video of it.

1 comment:

Speedy Gonzales said...

Oh, I am sooooooooo glad there isn't a recording of my skunk encounter!!! I think he was as surprised as I was!!! Well maybe not quite as surprised as us!!

Thank you for supper, desert, good visits and good laughs last night. I love you!