Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Swear I Just Heard a Horse Snort

I know it is the first night without any boys in the house.

I know it is 1:30 a.m. 
But I swear I just heard a horse snort.

I know it sounds crazy, and normally I would  think so too, but in this neighborhood you just never know.  

One night when the kids were little, Raymond and  I set up the telescope in the back side yard.  Raymond had walked off to do something and the boys went with him.  I was standing at the telescope when suddenly horses went running so close behind me that they stirred  my clothes with the wind they created.  I screamed bloody murder.  Raymond got  mad because I screamed, not knowing about the  horses.  I was freaked because it was dark and I knew there were horses out that I could not see  and I was afraid of being stomped on or kicked.  It was  just a minute or two  before my back field was full of flashlights from neighbors  looking for the horses that  had escaped from their yard through a broken fence.  

That was just one incident of horses in our yard  late at night.  There have been many others.  

I know I should go look to see if there is a horse out there, but I am just too tired. It will either find its way home, or be there in the morning. 


Anonymous said...

I heard a crash last night around 10:30 and Miss Sassy heard it too. Normally I would think "Cooper" but when we went out to the living room he was yawning. Okay, so it wasn't the cats. I checked on Lady and she was asleep in her dog house.
Crap! Never did figure out what it was but I was wide awake and got sucked into watching several old Closer's.

Unknown said...

I'm sure that you probably heard something, unless you were dreaming. Hope that you were able to get back to sleep with no problem.