Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Not Getting Much Done

I am not getting much done around the house these days.  It is hard to clean or quilt when you are acting like a school girl and talking on the phone all the time.  

Randy and I are not dong the "you hang up, no you hang up" act but we do have trouble limiting how long we talk.  We start off with good intentions saying that the conversation will end at ___hour, but we never hang up at that hour.  

I cannot believe how much we talk about.  It is some of the best conversation I have had in years.  Then there is the music.  Last night he was playing music to me he had recorded.  I have always loved his singing voice.  Unfortunately, he has lost a lot of range in the last few years due to asthma but he can still sing and his bass playing is better than ever.  

I keep thinking the shiny will wear off and we will get down to just a few minutes of phone time a night, but that doesn't look like it will happen any time soon.  

I guess the house will just have to be a mess for a while.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A clean house is not going to produce the same happiness that you are experiencing right now. Go for the happy!