Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Thought We Had A Deal

(To my friends T and J, don't bother to read this post, it is about a spider.)

I was getting ready to go out with my oldest today, and because of a phone call I was running late. I went into the bathroom to put on my makeup and there on the vinyl floor was a huge spider. I looked around and there was nothing to kill it with. I was on the carpeted part of the bathroom. I told Mr. Spider that if it would stay on the vinyl, I would stay on the carpet, and everything would be fine. I also told him he could live if he was gone when I came home.

Well, Mr. Spider did not keep his part of the deal. I came back and there he was right on the wall by the commode. I told him that I was sorry but he would have to take a trip down into the septic tank. I caught him and just as I started to shake him into the commode, he jumped and went behind the paneling.

Maybe he was testing me, maybe he is a thrill junkie, I do not know. I do know that a fly swatter is going into the bathroom and there will be no more deals.


Anonymous said...

OK. Telling me not to read something MADE me read it.

I will never go into the turtle bathroom again.


Cheryl said...

OK, don't go into the turtle bathroom ever again, but remember the boys are in charge of the other two bathrooms. Possible spider or boy funk?

Loni said...

Man, snakes and spiders... I may just have to stay on the porch next time I come over... LOL !