Friday, November 28, 2008

What DOES This Say About Us?

I just saw the news article about the 34 year old temporary Wal-Mart employee that was trampled to death in New York as he went to unlock the doors for Black Friday. The news conference stated that there were approximately 2,000 people waiting to get into the Wal-Mart. They actually broke the doors in as they forced their way into the store.

This has made me sick to my stomach.

My oldest stated that he wonders what this incident says about us as society.

My mother used to like to go to big sales like this with my father when they still lived in KY at the Belk's store. I have never enjoyed it. I remember them taking me once when I was home on vacation and I was frightened by the crowd. I also remember a time when Raymond and I went to a free concert to see the Judds. We were extremely frightened by the crowd and all the pushing; Raymond was holding on to my hand as hard as he could because he was afraid I would be knocked down. We never went to an event like that again.

I do not shop at Wal-Mart unless I am in a city where that is the only store available, like when I vacation in Arkansas, and I have no idea what specials they had going today, but nothing they had on sale was worth a man's life.

1 comment:

Loni said...

Yes, some deals were good; but nothing worth someone's life. I know that I for sure didn't see anything in any of the ads for Black Friday that was worth camping out overnight for.. and especially when the rain moved in to the area overnight. Nope, I pretty much stayed away and only hit a craft store with some very specific coupons and items in mind. Was in and out in a flash.