Thursday, February 5, 2009

Big Sigh of Relief

YEA! I have about four more months to figure out what I am going to do about my vcrs.

It is no secret that I am totally addicted to my shows. I run 2 vcrs every night, and a third when necessary. I own one digital t.v., and two analogs. I signed up for the government coupons and purchased 2 converter boxes for the analog televisions.

We hooked up one of the converter boxes and then realized that we could not watch one show and tape another. I freaked.

We have been reading up on how to set up the vcrs, but in everything I have read it seems as if I will not be able to use my vcrs in the manner I have become accustomed to over the years. I have looked into getting a couple of digital tuner vcr/dvr boxes, but they are not cheap. I watched a woman last night on the news that was having the problems I will be having and they had an expert come in and fix it for her because she was elderly, but she still had to buy a digital vcr/dvr.

With the switch to digital delayed until June, maybe I will be able to find a solution. I would love to have the AT&T service that allows you to record four shows at a time, but I haven't paid for cable or satellite all these years, and in these economic times I do not think it would be a wise addition to my budget.

I sure hope I can figure this out before June, but at least I should be able to catch all the season finales of my favorite shows.

I have been watching some of the shows on the internet, but I don't like that as much because I like to use my computer while watching television.


Seren Dippity said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now and have finally "caught up". I found your blog during a search on Wylie.. (we just moved her last year) I think you had mentioned you were shopping there one day. Anyway, I've continued reading because I love your humor and your openness about all your struggles as you cope to raise your boys. I relate because I raised two daughters as a single mom. Not for the same reason you have had to, but I understand your angst about your kids.

I also have always had a secret desire to learn to quilt and have enjoyed your journey as you learn how. Gives me courage to try (as soon as I clear space and get a sewing machine.)

Anyway, I have to say about today's post - I absolutely LOVED TIVO. If you can work it into your budget, it won't be long before you can't imagine using VCRs. Can you say "Addictive" ??? Since we moved to Wylie, we have been using Verizon's FIOS dvr and although it is good, TIVO was so much more intuitive and easier to use. I have been considering going back to TIVO even though that means paying an extra fee. I remember when TIVO first came out giving a friend a hard time because she was spending a monthly fee for recording privileges. Now I'm willing to pay EXTRA. (Although TIVO has a lifetime service fee you can pay - which is cheaper over the lifetime of the recorder)
Goodness. I promise I am NOT a TIVO sales rep or anything. Just someone like you who is addicted to her shows. grin.

Anyway, thanks for your blog. (And for the silly little fun game up in the corner!)

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the comment and reading.

I love the plants on your blog.

I have thought about TiVo, but I have not checked into it. Can you get it without cable? I will look into it. I know several people that love it.

BTW: The Blue Ribbon Quilt Shoppe in Wylie offers some great classes.