Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kindle2 or Not

Sunday afternoon while I was cleaning out some shelves I found a container of change that I had started a while back but had not labeled for a purpose. I decided to make it a Kindle2 or Not project. Since I am still not sure the Kindle2 would be the best purchase for me, I thought that it would be good to save for one and then decide. I counted up the money in the container, threw in some money from a recent rebate, and my youngest threw in some "just because" money, for a total of $66.72.

My boys are behind my project 100%. In fact the youngest looked around outside his school today and found sixteen cents to add to the container.

I think it is good for the boys to see me save up for something I want that is expensive. It shows them that you don't have to run out and buy something just because you want it.

Some people have told me it is silly to save up money this way, and say I will never get $359.00 just by throwing some change in a jar. Evidently they have never saved up for something this way before, but I have done this many times. There is something about saving up every little penny to make a purchase that makes the item much more valuable once you have it in your hands.

The problem comes in trying to decide what money goes into the container. Since junk food often calls my name, I have decided that any time I am able to put off the urge to buy something like chips, candy, etc. then the money I would have spent on the junk food will go into the container. Found money will also go into the container. (I know that a lot of people do not pick up the pennies on the ground, but I do.)

In the meantime I will be researching and deciding if I really will get my money back through the purchase of a Kindle2.


Loni said...

Oh, people would be amazed at how that spare change adds up. DH and I throw our spare change in an old plastic pitcher that we got for free at the state fair. We used to save spare change in a teddy bear bank.. so now the pitcher-money is called "bear money" and we easily get nearly $200 out of it when it's full.. and it's not even like it's lots of quarters either. Heck, it's even fun just to watch the change counter machine thingie at the bank. We then split the "bear money" and we each get to do or buy something fun with our half.

Unknown said...

Stan and I save spare change and say that is going to Sammy's savings account. Howvwe, Sammy only needs to use his change once or twice a year for vet visits/boarding so the rest of the time he generously gives the money to mom and dad. He gave us $120 to go to the casino this weekend - such a sweet Yorkie!

Cheryl said...

I am in total shock that M did not know what a Kindle or Kindle 2 was. She needs to get out of the Pet Society stuff and get on Amazon. (I sent her the link so she would be in the know.)