Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Night of Worry

8:24 P.M. Text message from Oldest "Gonna stop by the house..."

I get home at 9:15. It takes him 30 minutes to drive home, and there is no sign he has been here, so I wait.  

10:00 P.M. No Oldest.

11:00 P.M. No Oldest.  So I called.  No answer.  He is not logged into his IM account.  I am worried.

11:15 P.M. I have him in the hospital mangled from an accident.

11:16 P.M.  He is dead on the side of the road.

11:45 P.M. Oldest calls and asks why I called.  I asked where he was.  He said in his apartment.  After a few confusing sentences, because he cannot understand why I am calling, and I cannot understand why he is not here, it turns out that he has already been here and gone.  I just missed him.  I don't know how, but oh well.  He is in a bad mood because he cannot find his lab notes for his report or reach his lab partner.  I am frustrated because he is not being very nice and he is leaving on a contest trip tomorrow.  

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