Sunday, March 7, 2010

Truffle Fury (Title by M)

When M came back from California Friday she brought us all chocolate truffles. I am keeping BFF's since she is away, and I chose to eat one of mine Saturday, and save the second one for tonight. 
This morning I got up with just enough time to shower, dress, and get to church to lead the Hot Topics class we started this week.  I did not have time for breakfast or my meds, in fact I never went into the kitchen before leaving.  After church I headed to Kroger's to buy gas and pick up a couple of items before heading home.  In all I was out of the house for almost two hours.

When I entered the house I went directly into the kitchen to put the groceries away and then entered the laundry room to throw away a couple of pieces of trash.  When I put my trash in the can the first thing I noticed was an empty truffle box. I went crazy.  I stood there yelling some not so nice words and screaming about who could have possibly come into the house to eat my truffle.  I knew the boys would not have eaten my truffle because it is way to fancy for their tastes.  I ranted at the can for about 30 seconds before going into the kitchen to stomp around and scream a little more.  It was several minutes before I calmed down enough to realize that if someone came into the house and ate my truffle they might still be in the house, or more things might be missing.  That gave me pause long enough to think that I should really go into the living room to check things out, including looking to see if my truffle box was missing.  

When I entered the living room, there was my truffle box with my truffle.  I then remembered that M had eaten her truffles here and that was her box in the trash.  

I probably should have eaten something before I left the house this morning. 


Loni said...

i can envision this.... never mind that the one kid doesn't drive and the other is busy with school and girlfriend.

Unknown said...

I laughed so hard when I read this.

Deborah said...

That could SO be a day in my life...thanks for the chuckle. :-)