Monday, March 22, 2010

To Go or Not to Go

Saturday was a good day despite all the rain.

The boys were home.  Oldest's girlfriend was coming for the day and night.  The youngest was having several friends over and it was craft day.

I got up at 8:00, showered, and cleaned up around the house a little. The crafting girls showed up around 10:00.  L knitted, M read since she is still recovering, Queen J, "QJ", did a little piece work, and napped.  I did a little hand quilting.
Girlfriend arrived around noon and then left with oldest to pick up pizza for all.  After lunch everyone went back to what they were doing.  All was great.

L and M left sometime after 4. QJ and I went to meet her hubby for dinner around 5:30.  It was a good meal with good company, and very handsome entertainment.
After dinner, QJ and I came back to the house to work on some quilting.  Around 7:00 P.M. I felt a sharp pain in my upper left chest.  Then I felt a few more jabs.  They hurt enough to make me shout out a couple of times.  Other than the pains I felt great.  QJ thought I should go to the hospital.

The pains subsided for a while and then came back.  QJ said it was time to go to the hospital but I really didn't feel bad, just had stabbing pains.  I decided to call L and get her opinion.  She listened to my symptoms and went "hmmmm."  I told QJ that L did not think I needed to go to the hospital.  Of course that meant  QJ wanted to talk to her.

It wasn't long after QJ talked to L that M called and then her hubby S talked to me.  We went over my symptoms.  He said that he was no expert, but it might be a muscle spasm but any other symptoms and I needed to go to the hospital.  Then they talked to QJ.

The pains then stopped again and I went to help QJ with displaying her quilt on the design wall.  As I placed strips on the wall the pains came back.  As the pains kept attacking me, I started feeling quite ill, and nauseous.  It was time to go to the hospital.  

QJ would not let me drive myself, so she drove.  It was snowing.  When we arrived at the hospital L and QJ's hubby were waiting on me.  QJ went in and told them I was a 50 year old woman with chest pains and I was on a gurney in nothing flat.  


Loni said...

Better safe than sorry... and I guess now you'll get to tell us what a stress test is like.. but it still doesn't get you out of taking care of your Harry Smith.

Cheryl said...

Maybe an extension on the Harry Smith?