Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day, 2010

I think Mother's Day this year might have been the best since Raymond died.

Since Mina was going to be in California on Mother's Day, the girls gave Mama C (me) and Auntie Jill (BFF) our green gifts early, which was wonderful since those gifts were very useful at Cottonwood.

The weekend of Mother's Day, BFF, Loni and I had a good Saturday together that included plenty of game playing. It was very relaxing.

On Mother's Day, Loni went with me to get the youngest for lunch.  We stopped at Quilt Country and I purchased the fabric for the next baby quilt.  We picked up youngest on campus and went to Chili's for lunch, followed by a trip to Target where the youngest bought me a hat and dvd.  We had dessert at Beth Marie's and stopped by Recycled Books.  Once back on campus the youngest gave us a few items to return with for move out and we headed home.
We arrived at home to find the oldest waiting for us.  He had a nice gift of handmade vanilla sandalwood  soap for me and bought us Chicken Alfredo pizza for dinner.  We played Split and then he had to leave.  Loni and I watched Celebrity Apprentice and played more Split. 

Yes, it was the nicest Mother's Day in a long time. 


Deborah said...

I am so happy you had a good Mother's Day. I've thought about you frequently this week. I was up at UNT and drove right past the dorm for TAMS. My oldest was at UNT for the Peak Music Festival. I commented on how young some of the kids looked and our friend who works at UNT reminded me of TAMS.

Your posts from Cottonwood look like you had a great time shopping!

Loni said...

And Mother's Day celebration didn't even last as long as your birthday.. but between your birthday and Mother's Day, what your celebration is 6 weeks long and growing? You are just very loved and blessed!!! Love U Mama!!

Unknown said...

We are so blessed to have you in out life. It is a nice to know that we help to fill your heart with love. Love you!!!!