Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Days "A Here"

My maternal grandmother was really something, not a nice something either. She lived with us for at least five years, but I think it may have been closer to eight. I know we were still in Ohio when she moved in, and it was after my paternal grandmother had died, but that is as far as it goes in my mind.

I really could write a book about this woman, but I don't like to dwell on the hurtful things in my life, and she was one of them on many occasions. However, her antics have provided me with lots of laughs in my life too.

Her name was Fanny Mae Spoonamore Thompson, and one of her favorite sayings was "Your days a coming." (days = "day is" but she ran the day and is together) Later my mother and I would use this against each other for different circumstances.

My mother always waited up for me when I went out in the evenings. Even after I graduated from college and was still living at home (waiting for Raymond to finish up a semester behind me and we could get married), my mother would sleep on the couch each night I went out and wait for me to get home. Since triple showings at the drive-in was one of my favorite things to do with my best friend, it was often three in the morning before I would get home, so Mom had lots of "couch" nights during the warmer months of the year. After a pretty sleepless night for her she would say "Your days a coming."

Well, my days "a here" now.

My oldest did not get home until 4 a.m. this morning. He was not out partying, drinking, clubbing, or anything that would make me out of my mind with worry, he was working on a job that would put money in his pocket, and learning a new skill. What was driving me out of my mind was I did not like the area he was in. I did not know the person he was working with, and it was a pretty long drive back to our house and he falls asleep if he closes his eyes.

The oldest sent me a text at the appropriate time telling me that they still had several hours left to finish the project they were working on. I went to bed at my usual time, read until I fell asleep and was not having any trouble sleeping until about 2 a.m. I checked my phone, and there were no new texts, but the oldest wasn't home. I decided to read again, and at 2:30 went back to sleep. Up again, at 3:00, had a small anxiety attack, read, and finally went back to sleep at 3:30 but still no new texts. Oldest came in at 4:00 a.m. I checked my phone and there was a text by then. He asked if he could sleep late because he has another job this afternoon (unpaid). He also told me that if I looked closely at the text I would notice it was not from his phone as his had quit working. (We are researching new phones now because of issues we are both having with our phones.)

I am not getting enough sleep lately because of my oldest being out so much. He belongs to two groups on campus. When one of them meets he does not get home until 2 a.m. The other one he gets home between 12:30 and 1:00 a.m. These groups meet late because the other members are still in their early twenties and have jobs during the day, but they are also young enough to not understand the value of sleep so they don't mind meeting until the early hours.

So finally my grandmothers prophesy came true. My days "a here" when it comes to worrying about my child being out most of the night. I don't like it, and there is not much I can do about it now, but there is an out coming up.

My oldest will be able to start living in his new apartment June 20th, and even though he wants to stay here this summer, we have decided that on meeting nights he can just sleep in his apartment on campus. That way I don't have to worry about him falling asleep on the road, or getting hit by a drunk driver, which means a lot more sleep for me.

I know that Mom and Fanny Mae are up there laughing. I guess it is time to start using the saying on my boys.

I wonder what next "a here" is going to get me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At least he is considerate enough to send you a message when he is running late. Hopefully you will sleep better once he gets the apartment.