Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Wonderful Technology

A storm woke me up in the middle of the night last night and I when I went back to sleep I had a horrific nightmare, so I decided to stay awake and read. The only thing handy was my Kindle2, but the only thing on there right now that I wanted to read was a sample I had downloaded last week.

I pulled the sample up and read it, and really enjoyed the story, even though I am pretty sure I read it out of the library a couple of years ago. When I finished the sample, I still was not sleepy, and I was back to nothing handy I wanted to read. I laid there for a few minutes and decided that if I got up to look for something I wanted to read I would probably 1) wake myself up so much I would never get back to sleep; 2) risk waking up the oldest and not get back to sleep. I was getting extremely frustrated.

Then I thought, what am I so frustrated about. I turned my K2 back on, went to the end of the sample I had just completed and clicked the button and before I could get my pillows adjusted the full book was there for me to read. I read until about 6:30 a.m., then I slept until my alarm went off at 7:25 a.m. What wonderful technology.

1 comment:

Seren Dippity said...

I've been borrowing my daughter's Kindle. We read a series of mysteries that she has been buying as each new one comes out, then I borrow the book. The latest is published and she bought it on Kindle! I said "No Fair!" so when she had finished she loaned it to me.

After I finished the book last night I lay in bed and browsed the Kindle bookstore. OMG... the temptation to purchase was strong!

It may not be a good idea for me to own one. Instant gratification is something I can get used to so easily. I would spend waaaaay too much money on books!

I do love the Kindle though. At first it felt like I was reading index cards with the small screen going flip, flip, flip with each "next page" punch. But I got used to it. I also like the idea that your next book is right there waiting for you. Especially nice if you are reading a series.

I think I'll resist for now. Not that I'd turn down one if the freebie fairy came my way.