Friday, October 2, 2009

Never Fear My Friends, I am SOOOOO Over It!

A huge "THANK YOU" to all my friends that posted comments, called, and reached out to me after my last post, but never fear my dear friends, I am SOOOOOOOO over it.

Yes, last night and this morning were extremely dark for me, but I after five minutes with my youngest I was back to my old self. In fact, he will be lucky if I don't ruin his life!

The oldest is really pushing his luck too.

So I am back to my old self. Maybe Raymond did listen to all the ranting and raving I did at him last night.

I am truly thankful to all of you that reached out, even though I told you not to, and I was unable to talk to most of you because I kept crying and had too much work to do to allow myself to keep rehashing it all in my mind. I am truly blessed to have all of you in my life.

1 comment:

Loni said...

Good to hear... love you oodles!