Thursday, August 16, 2012

KY Men

Through FB  I have reconnected with a lot of male friends from my high school/college years back in KY.  I find it fascinating how different they are from the men I know here in TX. 

Now I understand the backgrounds of my KY (Kentucky) men and why they are the way they are, but it still amuses and frustrates me at every turn.

My KY men seem to think I am incapable of making being responsible for my own actions or taking care of myself. Yet, if you ask them what they remember about me and most of them pretty much answer that I was my own person, independent and stubborn.  Go figure.

Then there is my KY friend that has lived in TX since 1980. I moved here in 1982.  He, unlike the men who never left KY, is always contacting me and asking me for my opinion on different things because he says he respects my opinion and honors our history.  

Some of the conversations with the KY men can be very interesting.  The other day one of them asked me a question about why I was no longer in contact with a mutual friend.  I told him that our mutual friend had mistreated me and when I called him on it he ended the friendship.  The response was why hadn't I informed him earlier of what had happened, as if he needed to take care of it for me.  I told him I saw no reason to involve him as I had handled it on my own.  
Tonight a KY man told me he felt responsible for me.  I let him know that I was the only person responsible for me and that he could let go of that burden.
I am perfectly capable of fighting my own battles. Paperwork and laundry are battles I might choose to let others handle, but personal battles I handle.  I do not need my KY men to come riding in on white horses.  


Unknown said...

Hmm ... sounds chauvinistic that they feel that you are incapable of handling life's challenges on your own. You are a very independent, strong woman - surely if they know you, they see this.

Cheryl said...

Mina@they know who I am, it is just they just want to protect me at all times, which can be a blessing and a curse. It doesn't change the fact that I love them all.