Monday, August 27, 2012

Settling In

I am settling into my fall routine.  Still too muggy to sit out on the porch swing at night, or open the sliding door, but that will come soon I hope.

It feels odd to wake up and not have a child to rouse out of bed.  I would usually wake the youngest as I was leaving for work so he could start on his daily chores.  

Ah, the daily chores.  I am now reminding myself that the dishwasher needs emptying, tomorrow is trash night, and to do laundry.  

The plus side is I was able to come home tonight and turn on the Rolling Stones to full volume while I emptied the dishwasher and worked on some quilt borders.  I was also able to shower with the door open this morning so the bathroom didn't get all steamy and I could listen to Van Morrison from the stereo in the living room.

I hope the youngest is settling in to his apartment with this brother and that they both have a good week.  

At least the youngest will be home for Labor Day weekend.  The oldest will not.  Plus, I am sure Loni and I will be heading to campus to feed the youngest one night this week.

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