Monday, June 9, 2008

Decision Out of My Hand Now

I have always wondered what would happen if I had to make the decision to put my Mom in a nursing home. I never thought I could do it, but the decision is out of my hands now.

Her doctor called me tonight and said that we needed to consider moving her into a skilled nursing facility next week.

I thought I would be very devastated when this finally happened, but Mom has not been asking to come home. She keeps telling me how much she likes the place she is in now. I will just have to hope and pray she will like the next place.

I do know that there is no possible way for me to care for her as she is now. I just can't. She requires too much care.

I'm glad that I did not have to make the decision to put her into a nursing home on my own. It is easier to know that the doctors have taken that decision out of my hands.

1 comment:

journeyinfinite said...

I like your mom very much and I am sorry to hear about her being required to stay in a medical care facility. I, too, hope she and you like the skilled nursing facility, and are at peace with the decision.