Sunday, June 1, 2008

Too Many Creatures in the House.

There are too many creatures in my house!!!

I love to lie down on the floor and play games with my boys. We hardly ever play on a table unless we have guests.

This morning as I was playing Split with my oldest a mouse ran by us. I told the oldest to go get the mousetraps and move them. He did was he was told, but there was already a dead mouse in one of the traps. We then had the discussion as to who was the last one to have to remove a dead mouse and realized it was the youngest's turn to dispose of this one.

This afternoon after coming home with groceries and the boys carrying them in, I walked into the kitchen only to see the last half of a snake going into one of the cabinets. I screamed, and then yelled snake. My oldest was in front of me and he moved back. He then told me that the next time he would like me to say snake and then scream. I told him that when I see snakes in the house my first response is to scream.

I went and got the youngest and he was all excited. He took everything out of the cabinet and found the snake, but unfortunately, the snake went into a crack before he could grab it. He thought the snake was going towards the under-the-sink cabinet. When he opened that cabinet, there was a mouse, which disappeared before he could get it out.

Unfortunately, the snake is too small to eat a mouse. The mouse probably won't eat a snake.

I am never getting into my cabinets again.

My oldest said he was sick and tired of us having creatures in the house. I then told him that we could go back to putting poison out, but then we risk the chance of hurting animals we love. He said he did not want to put poison out.

For now, I guess we will just have too many creatures in the house.

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