Friday, June 27, 2008


A few minutes ago I started down the hall to go to the bathroom and as I turned the corner something caught my eye. It was a SNAAAAAAAKE coming out of MY bedroom.

I went and made my youngest get out of the pool and catch it. He managed to get it into a bucket, but when he took it outside it jumped out of the bucket into one of my flower pots. I don't care as long as it is outside.

I hope I can sleep tonight. Even though it was only a very thin snake about 1 1/2 feet long, it was still a SNAAAAAAAAKE in MY bedroom.

1 comment:

Loni said...

Ok, that just about does it... I don't think I could come over for a slumber party at your house... Snakes creep me out big time. Even the "harmless" ones... it's a wonder I ever got thru Field Biology and that was with a hands-on report on an Eastern Hognose snake. Hugs- L