Friday, November 12, 2010

MRI Monday

The doctor stopped all PT on my shoulder until after the MRI scheduled on Monday. 

PT was not helping at all and so the said they needed to know what was wrong to continue.  In fact my physical therapist said he would not be surprised if I required surgery.  If that is the case, this would be the worse time for work with Christmas

, but the best time physically since the boys will be home for a month beginning the middle of December and they could help me around the house.

When I went to schedule the MRI they realized that we had been filing under the wrong worker's comp insurance. I was injured at the end of Sept. and the insurance changed on October 1.  Fortunately, it was solved quickly, and the old company is actually a lot easier to work with than the  new one.  I wish they hadn't changed.  

In the mean time, I am trying to keep up with some of the exercising so the shoulder doesn't freeze, but limit what I do with the arm so that the pain doesn't increase.  

I cannot quilt on the Bernina with my shoulder like it is, so I am going to create some hand quilting today.  I miss it so much.  I also need to add some farm animals and holiday items to the Library Lady apron.  

I want to thank my BFF, girls, and friends at work for being so thoughtful and helpful to me right now.  Loni drives me around when we go places together and is helping me by taking me to see my youngest this weekend and getting him for Thanksgiving.  Mina brought up my garbage and recycling bins the other night, BFF emptied my dishwasher and helped with laundry, and will be helping me change sheets. My friends at work have been wonderful in helping me lift and carry items. 


Loni said...

See you've got a whole village of love and care... happy to do my part to help out. Love you!

Unknown said...

So glad they got your MRI scheduled so quickly. You know that we will be glad to do whatever we can to help you, because you are the "mama".