Sunday, November 7, 2010

Down Day

I felt down and sad all day.  I don't know why.

I really have nothing to complain about except my shoulder.  I am still getting PT and will see the doctor again on Monday.  There is pretty much constant pain with it, but it is very bearable.  I did try to quilt over the weekend and it was not a great experience, and that depressed me.

I guess we all have down days, it just doesn't seem right to be so sad and down when there is nothing really wrong.  

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. 


Anonymous said...

There it is. I should have read all the posts before asking!! You have got to get yourself to a chiropractor! I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but don't give up. Ask your friends or work mates for a referral. A good chiropractor can make all the difference, really!

I hope you get to feeling better soon.


Loni said...

We all have down days; they are easier to understand when you can identify a cause... but sometimes you just get the blues out of the blue. Hope you have a better day today. Hugs & Love!!

Cheryl said...

It is a worker's comp. claim so I have to go through the channels. BTW: I live close to you. Lucas.