Friday, August 5, 2011

I Feel Guilty ...

I feel guilty when I put what I want to really do first. Too many people want my attention this morning and all I want to do is sit here in my towel wrap and read a book and watch the hummingbirds.  The Mama in me wants to make everyone happy and take care of them, but the woman in me wants to just chill out and be left alone. 

I feel guilty when I see how much my one friend accomplishes in a day as she cooks a meal from scratch, sews, paints a picture, drives her kids all over town, and manages to keep her house perfect.  She never sits down and I wonder if that is why she stays so thin.  I feel guilty I am not like that, but then I wonder when she ever enjoys her accomplishments as she moves on from one to the next.  

I feel guilty that I don't like my son's girlfriend.  I have tried but she gets on my every nerve.  I realize he might marry her and then I feel guilty because I am already wondering how he will deal with divorce. 

That is enough guilt for today.

1 comment:

Loni said...

But sometimes you have to remember to take care of you first... even though the Mama tendencies are to take care of everyone else.