Friday, August 26, 2011

Youngest in College

My youngest is in real college now.  He hates it when I say that, but even though TAMS students are only taking college classes, and he entered UTD with enough credits that he will probably be classified a junior, he wsan't really a "College Student" he was a TAMSter.

The biggest news about the youngest this week ... HE GOT A DORM ROOM!!!!!

He was on the wait list and we had both adjusted to the fact he would be at home and commuting this semester when he received a call Monday saying they had a room for him.  He called and told me at work and I think they could hear my scream of "WOOHOO" in the next city over.  

Of course, as I soon as I celebrated, I realized my youngest was not. He was conflicted. I calmed  down and told him it was totally his decision as to where he lived.  We hung up and then after thinking about it, I called him back and told him I was coming to pick him up since I had some traveling work to do and he could ride with me and we would talk.  I threw in a trip to Sonic too.

We had a nice afternoon of talking pros and cons and then I dropped him back home to think while I went back to return all my items to work.  

After some back and forth he decided he would move to the dorm.  I was so relieved.  I think being on campus is best for him.

As of today, he still isn't in his room as there is an issue with the key.  He is in day three of classes and has the usual gripes about them.  He has already seen all the TAMSters on campus.  He has played Magic with several of them in the student union, and has found there is a great source for new players.  Youngest has run into other friends from his Sunday Magic games, and played pool with a person he just met.  So he is off and running just like I knew he would be once he was there.

I hope he will like his roommates, but at least his bedroom is private if he doesn't. 

I hope to get him moved tomorrow.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Super news! I know you were not looking forward to the long commute for him. Happy dance!!