Friday, August 5, 2011

Where Did All This Fabric Come From????

Today I had to tell Jill she has to find another place for her quilting items.  It was tough for me to do that, but I am simply out of room. 

I spent the last week marking all my fabric as to size and preparing it to go back on my shelf.  That included the fabric in my wardrobe, closet, and other hidden places. Once I was finished I realized that the only way for me to know what I have is for it to be out in the open in my room, but the only space left in my room is the space I had given Jill.  

Fortunately she was very generous in her understanding.  I told her she could still keep it here at my house if she could find the space...I just don't know where she would find the space.  

So Jill will move her items out, and she said I could keep the bookcase, but we will discuss that some more.  I will be able to put all my fabric out in the open so I can keep up with what I have and make some long term plans. 

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