Saturday, December 31, 2011

Accomplishments #342-365

I think I did pretty good on my year of accomplishments.  Nothing earth shattering, but I have been making steady improvements on the clutter that surrounds me and in making sure I just did not become a complete vegetable every time I walked in the door.  Did I get back to the person I used to be with my house cleaning, cooking and such?  No, not any where close to that person, but this life is not that life or even close to it.  

I still hate laundry with a passion, but I bought more jeans recently so I won't have to do laundry even once a week now unless I just can't stand the laundry room another minute.  The door John put on the room helps with that a lot.

There is no mail piled up, and the filing made it to the box, if not the correct file.  

I spent a day this week going through almost 4 years of quilting magazines and taking out all the patterns I wanted and boxing up the rest to share with friends.  I am still in the process of putting the patterns into sleeves, but I cleared up two shelves on my bookcase. Of course I immediately filled one with books I had stacked on a table because the shelves were full.

I have a long way to go in certain areas, but if I hadn't worked on doing an accomplishment a day in 2011, I would have been further behind in 2012.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your year of accomplishment!