Thursday, December 8, 2011

Creepy Day

Okay, I admit I did not get a lot of sleep last night due to the attic critters, but I have been fully awake and alert all day.  I did not imagine what happened.

This afternoon I was sitting in my office with the door closed tight so that my office would stay reasonably warm.  I had unlocked the door so that I would not have to get up if anyone came to visit.  There was a knock on the door and I said "Come in."  The door opened, but not all the way so I could see out but no one stuck their head in.  I thought it might be one of the little ones so I said "Come on in" and the door opened all the way, but no one was there.  I got up to see who might be in the hall or the main part of the building and there was no one there.  Very creepy.  I often see things in my peripheral vision that makes me think someone is outside my door, but this is the first time there was a knock and a door opening. I walked down to the other side of the building to see if I missed someone but everyone down there was accounted for and were not in a position where they could have run down to my office and created such a creepy feeling for me.  Plus I don't think any of them could run that fast.  We are talking seconds between the door opening all the way and me going into the main section of the building.

So I am already creeped out by the door opening and I get home and find a dead mouse next to my favorite chair.  A mouse that was not there this morning.  I have no poison or traps out for mice, and he was a fairly young looking mouse, so I have no idea what happened to him, or why he chose to die next to my chair.  

What message is someone trying to send me any way?


Loni said...

well maybe that little ol' mouse got your message loud and clear from your prior post.

Cheryl said...

Yes, that is it. It decided to obey me and die before I had John take care of it some other way!