Monday, December 26, 2011

Vacation TIme Again

I have the week off and I started my vacation by having breakfast out with Loni and my youngest at Mimi's (one free breakfast coupon) and then we all went to see Sherlock Holmes, A Game of Shadows.

And to answer my oldest's question, yes I enjoy the story as well as Robert Downey, Jr., but since we are still in the Christmas season:

After the movie we went to Fabric Fanatics for their sale and so I could use a gift certificate I had since Mother's Day.  I was able to get the backing for two upcoming projects and some turtle fabrics they had in the sale room.  

A lunch of leftovers with Loni and then she went home and I took a long nap.  

Right now I am catching up on emails and listening to the youngest laugh with all the boys.  Everyone is here except the oldest, who is off visiting with his girlfriend for a couple of days.

I think the rest of the night will involve some reading and watching reruns of shows from years ago.  

It has been a good start to my winter vacation!

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