Sunday, December 4, 2011

Busy Saturday

Saturday was a wet yucky grey day, but I didn't let it get me down.

I slept a little late, got up and worked on a quilting project and then my friend Laurie came over and we went to Suzy's Quilt Shop in Garland because the shop is closing and everything is 50% off.  Now this is the second week of the sale and I had not gone in before because I knew it would be absolutely crazy (and I heard how it really was), but I figured things would be winding down and I needed to load up on some backing fabrics. The shop is pretty empty now, but I was able to find just the right fabrics for my projects and the price was certainly right.  I also found a little notion and a book I wanted.  

After Laurie and I returned and visited a little more, she went on her way, and I worked on my project a little more.  

In the early evening, I picked up Loni and we headed to campus to get the youngest and take him to dinner. After dinner the youngest said he could use some snacks so we stopped at Target.  It was raining a nice steady cold rain and the parking lot had lots of water on it.  Loni stayed in the car and the youngest and I went shopping. Everything was fine until we started back to the car.  As I turned the corner of the store to go into the side parking lot, I realized that my right foot was wet on the bottom, and cold.  When I got in the car I took my shoe off, turned on the light, and looked at the bottom of my shoe. I was devastated to see a large crack from one side to the other on the sole of my shoe.  My sock was very wet, and I was not a happy camper.

I took the youngest back to school, Loni home and then I came home and took off my wet sock and warmed up my foot.  Once that was all back to normal, I quilted until about 2:00 A.M.

So a busy day, but a very nice one.  

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