Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Faking It at the Middle School

Last night was open house at the middle school. I went and listened to the orchestra's UIL music and made my youngest mad because "I sat in his line of sight and stared." Actually I was watching this girl in front of him because she was so physical while playing the music she cracked me up. I thought she was going to fall out of her chair swinging her cello from side to side.

Went around to all the teachers and said "Hello." Some of them I really like, and a some of them make me glad I'm not in school again.

I met my youngest's history teacher. He was not available at the meeting they had at the beginning of the school year. He was a very enthusiast person. I liked him a lot. He told me that my son had presented a great report that day on "Alessandro Volta." I smiled and said how proud I was of him. I faked it by acting like I knew just what report had been presented, and then I walked out of the room and whispered to my youngest "What was he talking about?" Not only did I not know that my youngest had prepared a report of this Volta guy, I do not think I have ever heard of him.

There was another teacher that mentioned a different report my youngest had presented. I admitted to that teacher that I had no idea what they were talking about. I know that makes me sound like a horrible mother, but I've raised responsible children that are capable of taking care of their own homework and turning it in on time. I know a lot of the projects my youngest is working on, and he almost always shows me his writing projects, or PowerPoints, but reports are just done and turned in.

I'm a proud mom. I'm proud because he does such a great job on his work, and because I don't have to micromanage his homework. He gets extra credit from me for being responsible.

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