Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Need a Bigger Umbrella

My mom has been sick for about 3 weeks with a cough. Pretty much the same symptoms I have had.

I took her to the doctor and he put her on Cipro and she has been confused ever since.

I took her back to the doctor today and he took her off the Cipro, checked her breathing, gave her a breathing treatment, rechecked her and then sent her for a CTScan of her chest and sinuses. It was an all day event, but I felt like we were at least trying to figure out what was going on and was thrilled the Cipro was gone since the other doctor thought her mind would be back to baseline when she stopped taking the Cipro.

Late this afternoon the doctor called to tell me that the test revealed things he was not expecting. They found a soft tissue tumor one inch by one 1/2 inches behind her kidney, a spot on one lung, and I believe a spot on her kidney, as well as her gallbladder being full of gallstones to the point of "overflowing." He is ordering another test for the tumor, and sending her to a surgeon for the gallbladder.

My mother is not in pain from the gallbladder. She eats okay. How can I possibly consider putting an 86 year old woman with Alzheimer's in the surgical room?

I guess we will wait for all the tests and make a decision then.

My best friend/sister said tonight that it never seems to sprinkle on me, it just pours. It does seem that way. I guess I better get a bigger umbrella.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got an extra pair of galoshes if you would like to borrow them? :)

Hang in there!