Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Cleaning

We did our Spring cleaning today. Most people do their Spring cleaning inside the house. We do ours outside.

We cleaned the workshop, breezeway, and patio area. We washed all but one bird feeder out and stored them for the summer and prepared the hooks for the hummingbird feeders. Fire ant killer was spread around, and RoundUp was sprayed on the stray grass coming up through the driveway.

One new addition this year was an electric leaf blower. We used it to clean off the breezeway and to get behind some of the cabinets in the workshop. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Raymond hated leaf blowers due to the noise pollution. At one point when I was cleaning out around the picnic table I stopped and told Raymond that I knew he was not happy, but I wasn't too happy about him not being here to help me clean up around the property so we were even. It made me feel better.

I am so much happier with everything all cleaned up outside. The only thing missing is color. I'm ready for the flowers to start blooming.

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