Friday, March 7, 2008

I Am Now One of the Unknown

It finally happened. My mother woke up today and did not know me.

I did not realize at first that she did not know me. I was fixing her breakfast and she asked me if I knew her brothers. I said “yes.” She then asked me how I knew them. I asked her who I was and she said she really did not know. I told her, but she looked confused.

Later in the day she asked me if I knew her son.

Even later in the day she asked me if I only had one son.

She keeps asking me if anyone knows where she is, she is afraid no one can find her.

It is shocking to me. Yesterday was her 86th birthday. Her sisters called her for her birthday as did two of her grandsons. I was here when she spoke to them. She did great talking to her sisters, she faltered a little speaking to my nephew, but when my oldest called I could tell she was very confused. It seems that she thought he was here in the house.

Last night she was afraid to go to her bedroom because she wasn’t sure where it was located in the house. When I took her to her room she was surprised that all her furniture was in there.

I can’t believe how everything just changed overnight.

She has forgotten a lot of people in the last year, but they were mostly people that live far away. I can’t believe that I am now one of the unknown.


Deborah said...


I am so sorry that you are now 'one of the unknown.' God sees all that you are doing. Don't let your mom's dementia make you think no one notices. Your sons are watching and are learning what it truly means to care for 'widows and orphans.'

Unknown said...

Many prayers going your direction for strength. I can only imagine the pain you must feel watching your mother lose her memories. Sending many hugs to you, my dear friend.