Monday, April 7, 2008

Aggravated, Frustrated, and Lost

It was an odd weekend. Mom has been different than ever before.

She wants to go "home." I keep telling her that this is her home. I am not sure what she means by "home."

This morning I asked her not to empty the dishwasher that I would do it when I came home. I didn't think it would be a problem because she hasn't been going into the kitchen unless I am home. Sure enough I got home from work and she had emptied part of the dishwasher and then put the dirty dishes in with the rest of the clean. Had to rewash the dishwasher. I was so aggravated. I was good though and didn't mention it to her at all. I told the youngest that we have to empty the dishwasher first thing when it is done. That really aggravates me because I like to do things at my own pace.

I am frustrated because I cannot figure out why Mom changed so much in the last couple of days. Her questions are odd, and I have no way to answer them because I do not understand what she means. This afternoon she kept asking me if we needed to go to the store to buy food for the kids. When I would tell her we had plenty, she would tell me she did not think so, and wanted me to be sure.

I feel lost because today on the way to the doctor she said we really needed to stop by and see her parents. I thought I misunderstood her and asked her again who we needed to see. She told me her parents again. I asked her their names and where did they live and she told me. I then had to tell her that her father died in 1959 and her mother in 1976. She acted shocked.

We saw her neurologist today. Right before we got there I told her the doctor's name, the year, and that she lived in Texas. When the doctor asked her the same information fifteen minutes later she couldn't tell him any of the information. She looked lost sitting there and talking to him.

The good news I guess is that she has totally forgotten her gallbladder surgery and has not complained about any more pain.

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