Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Only Twins Today

Well, my stomach only looks like I am full term with twins today. I am still horribly miserable, but at least I am not in pain. It is just that my clothes are so tight and I just know that if I had a long, thin needle I could relieve the pressure. My oldest says all I would do is make myself bleed.

I was talking to one of my best friends this morning about my stomach and we started talking about all the things we cannot eat now that we are old, like bananas, and raw broccoli. It really does not make any sense that we cannot eat these things when they are suppose to be so good for us.

So did we not take care of ourselves at a younger age (obviously) and now that we are trying to eat right our bodies are saying "to late suckers!", or are our bodies saying "you are so old now that it doesn't matter, just eat chocolate"?

Raw carrots have always been one of my favorite foods, but now they are starting to just sit in a big clump in my stomach when I eat them. In fact I can say the same thing for almost all raw veggies and most fruits. If it is this bad now, how bad will it be when I hit 50?

Ha, I just leaned my recliner back and I cannot see the screen of my laptop over my swollen belly.

I hope to be back to my non-svelte self by tomorrow.

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