Sunday, April 13, 2008

WOW! What a difference

My sewing machine broke Thursday night. It was a Singer that I bought at Target for $40.00 with some gift cards. I only bought it to hem Raymond's one pant leg up so we wouldn't have to keep going to the tailor. It served its purpose and I really got $40.00 out of it.

Yesterday, I went to Target again for another sewing machine. The reason I went to Target again was because I could not stand the idea of being assaulted by salesmen. I found a Brother machine for $139.00 that actually came with a quilting foot and extended table. I had read a lot of reviews before going shopping so I knew something about this machine.

I brought it home and then I did not open the box for hours. It was not buyer's remorse, it was fright. I was afraid it would be more complicated than I wanted. I finally opened it up after about five hours and I am kicking myself for not opening it earlier.

This machine glides. It is fairly quiet, and it GLIDES!!!!! I now realize that I was really struggling to sew before and did not know just how difficult I was making it on myself by trying to piece my quilt on that cheap Singer. (I am sure that more expensive Singer machines would glide too.)

I sewed last night until I just could not keep my eyes open any longer. I would be sewing now, but I am getting ready to go see my oldest for the day.

I'm so excited!!

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