Friday, October 10, 2008

It is Oh So Sublime!

The boys and I finally were able to stop at Sublime Chocolate this afternoon. We bought 6 chocolates, chocolate dipped pretzels, and a milk chocolate bar. The pretzels and bar were for the boys, and I am sharing the chocolates with them. So far we have had the sea salt caramel (split three ways, and the dark chocolate piece (split three ways.)

My only complaint, boys do not know how to truly enjoy the taste of really great chocolate. Me, now I know how to enjoy the flavor and how to let the chocolate melt on my tongue.

Sublime Chocolates - OH SO SUBLIME!


Anonymous said...

Yes I bought some chocolated from them on Friday and they were marvelous!! The Chocolatier was very friendly too!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Cheryl, you made my day. I say exactly the same thing all the time about my boys. We miss See's candy so much. Whenever, we get some I cut it up. I smell it. I take my time. The boys-they grab one chew it in one bit and swallow it and look for another piece. The last time we got a box, I said we are splitting this up 3 ways!