Sunday, October 26, 2008

Slipper News (Not New Slippers)

Jill was here Friday night and threw my slippers in the garbage can in the living room. Fortunately I saw them in there before anyone took the garbage out and saved them. She even tried to blame it on the youngest. Fortunately, I have let her see the material for the quilt I am making her and now she won't touch them again for fear of me not making her quilt. Leverage is a wonderful thing at times.

Today when I went to walk around in my slippers they had a few more blow outs making it difficult to walk. My oldest wanted to go out and get new ones immediately. I told him the old ones were still keeping my feet warm, and even had vents to keep them from getting too hot.

I convinced my youngest to get in my closet to find my "indoor" pair (Mina's husband Stan knows why my youngest did not want look around in my closet-claw marks on the wall from an unknown source).

Now I have my indoor pair on, but I still would not let the youngest throw out the others. I hope this picture will call off the search for new slippers for me until Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Jill's defense - would friends let friends wear shoes like that? I think not!!! Just Say No To Ratty Houseshoes!!