Sunday, October 19, 2008

Raymond Day

Raymond has been on my mind all day. I woke up with thinking about him and he has popped in and out as I have moved throughout my routine and while goofing off with the youngest.

One thing I thought of was a face he used to make. While I was thinking about it I was trying the face and the youngest looked over and asked what I was doing. I told him I was making the face dad used to make. He said he didn't remember. I asked him to watch again, and then I tried to do it just like Raymond would. I finally hit the right combination of looks that he remembered and he started laughing and said he remembered. That made me happy.

I worry that the youngest will forget too many things about Raymond if I don't try to remind him.

Later this afternoon I was grilling burgers for my oldest and a hawk flew by and tipped his wing. I know it was Raymond telling me he was happy with how things were going for us.

As much as I enjoy remembering Raymond, it is still very, very hard.

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