Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More of the Art

I have been trying to get good pictures of the other pieces of art we bought at Cottonwood, but it is almost impossible for me due to the glass on them. I keep getting reflections. I managed get okay ones of two of them, and gave up on the other one.

My favorite is the Meadowlark watercolor shown below, but this picture really does not do it justice.

I cannot believe we were able to find not just one piece of turtle art but two! Here is the second one.

I love our new pieces. However, I will need to start putting the art on the ceiling at this rate. Our walls are almost full. Raymond thought we should put some away and then change it around often, but every time I take a piece down I miss it.

1 comment:

Loni said...

I love the one with the Meadowlark on it.