Friday, December 10, 2010

Why Surgeons Dread Redheads

Yes, I was born a natural redhead.

I found this article interesting because I have had several of the issues mentioned. Only one doctor has actually mentioned to me that he knew of the sensitivities of redheads and suggested I would need extra anesthesia during a medical procedure.

As a pre-teen, I woke up during a difficult oral surgery and freaked the doctor and nurse out. I had trouble during a couple of other procedures, and it is noted in my medical history about my hypersensitivity to certain drugs.

Loni can attest to my inability to clot. There have been several times when I did not know I was bleeding and left a small pool on the kitchen floor.

I need to save this article for the next time I need surgery.

Why Surgeons Dread Redheads

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