Monday, December 6, 2010

I Have to Pinch Myself

It is after weekends like this one that I have to pinch myself because I cannot believe how incredibly blessed I am. 

I spent Saturday with my extended family.  Like all families, we have our squabbles, but we all love each other and are always there for each other.  

Today was spent working on a quilt layout, visiting on the phone with one extended family member, and having another one drive me to see my youngest.  

The youngest looked really good and we had an enjoyable late lunch, and a little time together.  He is such a fantastic young man.

Haven't seen the oldest this week, but that is par for the course these days.  I know he is off doing his own thing as young adults should.  He is a fantastic person too.

I lost the love of my life, but I didn't lose love.  I am surrounded by it all the time.  I don't feel deserving of all my blessings, so I have to pinch myself often to make sure I am awake.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a great weekend for the time that I was able to be there. I love being able to spend time with the ones I love, but regret that work keeps me away so often.

Some may laugh at me because I have to schedule out my time, but it allows me to enjoy at least some time with my family.