Thursday, December 2, 2010

Old Friends Die Young

I had an online chat tonight with an old friend from high school that I dated a few times.  We met up again through Facebook.  He is almost to the end of his life.  He found out in 2004 that he had a genetic, aggressive, progressive disease and now 88% of his lungs are dead.  We had a nice chat. 

In an earlier post on a high school page we are both on he had mentioned that he owed apologies to four people.  I was one of them.  I asked him why he was apologizing to me.  His response made absolutely no since to me, in fact it sounded like I probably owed him the apology and said so to him.  He insisted he owed me one and asked me to accept it, which I did.  He went on to talk about something I can't believe happened when we were together, but some of what he said had a ring of truth to it. 

He told me had a good life.  He is on his second marriage, both to redheads which he blamed on me.  I had to laugh because I have heard that before from others, including Raymond.  He is not afraid of death, in fact he said he would welcome it. 

This news comes to me less than a week after another classmate passed away from cancer.  Kelly was just someone I saw in passing, but he had a nice smile, and I think we could have been friends as adults, just ran in different circles as teenagers. 

A good friend of mine in high school recently passed away from complications of lupus, and I found out that another female classmate died from cancer.  There have been a few more deaths in the class of '77 too.

All this made me think of this song by the Moody Blues:

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