Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bless my Village

I really could not have gotten through this shoulder surgery without my village. 

Loni has been an angel, taking me to doctor's visits which is about a three hour process since his office is so far from the house.  Staying at the surgery center an entire day waiting on me.  Helping me change clothes, changing my bandages, folding laundry, taking out the garbage and recycling, bringing me food, etc.  She also will be removing the last of my staples soon.

My boys were good to help me while they were home on Spring Break.

Mina brought food and friendship, along with a bobble head turtle. 

Kathy brought a full meal and took me down to sign up for PT and will be taking me to PT tomorrow.

Cindy brought a meal.  

Laura brought me one of her wonderful burritos and fruit salad.

I have had lots of visitors.  

Cards have been arriving.

I could not have gotten through this all by myself.  There is no way. 

Thank you village!


Unknown said...

Glad to see you on the mend. Sorry that I was not able to do more to help during your recovery. Hugs, Mina

Loni said...

I am glad that you adopted me into the village. I'm very proud of you too for allowing others to step in and take care of you; I know that is a tough one for hard-core Mama's to do since they are more used to commanding the caregiving rather than receiving the caregiving. Love you!