Monday, March 14, 2011

Surgery Day!

I am sitting here waiting for my boss to come by and pray over me.  I asked her to come here instead of the surgery center since she has a class to teach today.  I didn't want her to have to find someone to cover it for her.  I would have been fine with an over the phone prayer, but she wants to do it in person.  For those of you that don't know, my boss is a Pastor. 

I am supposed to wear loose comfortable clothes.  The problem is I don't usually go out in public like this so I am not comfortable. PJ bottoms and loose TAMS t-shirt.  I am taking a robe to wear coming home because it zips up the front and seemed like it would be easiest. No Jill, it is not the ratty robe, even though that would be loose and comfortable.

Since surgery isn't until noon, I made sure I had a good dose of protein right before midnight last night, and lots of water.  Of course, right now I would love some water.

I remembered to pack my glasses case. I hate giving up my glasses.

I talked to the anesthesiologist last night.  He told me the first thing they would do is give me happy juice and then a nerve block through a shot in my neck. I made him tell me twice that I would get happy juice before the stuck a needle in my neck.  He told me I wouldn't even notice the needle in the neck.  Well, I might not have noticed it if he hadn't told me about it.  Now I am going to be looking for it. 

Loni will be driving me, staying there, and bringing me back.  Then she will give the boys their instructions on how to take care of me.  

All is good.

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