Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Getting Past the What Ifs

It is a New Year and time for me to think about what I might want to do with my life in 2012. 

Due to some recent conversations with an old friend, I have decided I need to try to get past the "What Ifs" that run through my mind all the time.  I sometimes get very obsessed with these thoughts and I think they keep me from moving forward.  
I need to learn to move forward,  
Since I am someone that obsesses over things and then analyzes them over and over again, I may not be able to get past some "What Ifs," but I also know that it is not healthy to obsess over things that cannot be changed.


Unknown said...

The one thing that came to mind when reading your post is the serenity prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

If you do this, then you have done the best that you can.

Loni said...

Sometimes we focus on the things or people we've lost with the what if's; but sometimes you can take the It's a Wonderful Life approach and go with the What If's the other way... like what if I had never started our TOPS chapter and had never met you.. would I have had that trigger to finish up my degree when I did? Would I have gotten the blessings of you and the boys in my life?

May you achieve all that you want to achieve this year in getting beyond the what ifs.

Love you!