Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

2012 is here. A New Year, and time to look back and reflect and then move forward.

I am having a lot of trouble with the looking back part right now.  Tomorrow would have been my 30th anniversary.  Jan. 2 is always hard on me, but this year it is even harder.  

Dreams I had in the past of course cannot come true.  Regrets and doubts regarding decisions made have formed a large lump in my chest and are making it hard to get a good breath.  

Some hopes I had for the future have changed, and I need to work through the knowledge that some things will just never ever be possible.  

Time to make new dreams and push through all the things from the past.  All of that easier said than done. 

I wish I wasn't a person of what ifs.  

I know the new year will bring some amazing things into my life, just as 2011 did, and I will do my best to welcome each new challenge and change.

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