Monday, January 2, 2012

Now It Has Gone Too Far!

Last night was the last of the big gathering of boys at my house for this round of the Army Boy being home. One of the boys brought his girlfriend and she and I spent a lovely evening together while all the guys set up and played Twilight Imperium.  My oldest arrived home just as the game was about to begin in the Man Cave and came into the living room to give me a hug.

I have always been able to tell the difference in my sons' hugs to me.  The hug my oldest gave me last night was a hug of "not all is right."  I took his shoulders and pushed him back to give him a long look and asked him what was wrong.  He said "Nothing," then proceeded to hug me with the I am "really upset hug."  I let it go because he had a houseful of friends and I did not want to embarrass him. 

The bulk of the boys and the girlfriend left a little after midnight.  I went in to see what was going on and I could tell as soon as my oldest looked at me that he was messed up about something.  As I turned to leave the room he hugged me again and then asked if I wanted him to stay home from work today.

Light bulb moment! I asked him if the family friend that had upset my youngest earlier in the day (see post entitled "Someone REALLY Overstepped) had contacted him and he said yes.  I explained to my oldest that I was just fine but that the family friend was wrong and had overstepped in his relationship..  That started the youngest off about how mad he was that this man said what he did to him. 

I was so mad!  I hate it when my kids are upset. I told my kids that this man was concerned but not really knowing me etc., he overreacted but that I was in front of them and they could see I was fine and to ignore it and just consider the source. 

The boys went on to play a new game, but I was still really irritated that someone had upset my kids on a day when I really needed to be taking care of myself.  I waited about an hour and then I sent a message to the source of all my anger.  My youngest just happened to be walking into the room when I started the message and when he looked at my monitor and saw the name he said "Oh, oh, someone is in trouble now."  Cracked me up.

I have not heard from the offender, but I am sure he meant well, but you just don't mess with my kids.

I spent some time with both of them this morning.  They both went off in their different directions laughing and they seem to be assured I am fine.

My oldest did not say what was said to him, but it was sweet that he offered to stay with me today.

Mama Bear's claws are still out and ready to strike.

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